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customer center


faq 검색
  • Purchase guideHow can I refund?

    As we receive the returned product, we will notify you through e-mail and implement refund process.

    Please keep product clean so as not to damage the product.


    After the return, the refund will take time depending on the situation.

  • Purchase guideCan I visit the office in person? Do you have showroom in Se…

    We are sorry but we do not have showrooms in Seoul yet. You need to visit our factory in person.


    If you make a phone call before your visit, we welcome you anytime.

  • Purchase guideCan I order by phone call?

    No, we do not accept orders on the line.


    Mistakes may occur during the phone call. Wrong product could be shipped and the product could be shipped to wrong address.

    Please send purchase order through on-line or fax. 


    Please understand as it is for accurate product shipping.

  • Purchase guideHow do I request sample?

    Sample requests are available on fax, e-mail or <Product Inquiry> at the top of our website.

    We never accept sample request on the line since mistake may occur during the phone call.

    Please send us the product name, product code, address and contacts for the sample you want to try through fax, e-mail, or product inquiry column, and we will send it as soon as possible.

    You can have up to 5 samples. If you want more samples, please leave a message on QNA and we will send the additional sample together.

    The sample color cannot be selected, and selected container will be shipped.

    Please note that the sample will be shipped after deposit confirmation.

  • Purchase guideDefect product has arrived.

    If the product is defective or damaged, or if the quantity is insufficient, please send e-mail to sip-korea@naver.com and we will handle it right away.


    However, if product shipping ended more than one month ago, exchange or refund is not available.


    After receiving the product please check the condition and quantity of the product

  • Purchase guideI have my own design for container. Can it be manufactured?

    Yes, it is available.

    If you would like a mold manufacture with a new design, please send the container design to our e-mail (sip-korea@naver.com) and call us for a detailed consultation and estimate.

    Some customers think of the mold manufacture expense quite low. Please note that mold manufacture is impossible at low price.

  • Purchase guideHow about the product purchase amount?

    The product purchase amount is 5,000 for basic purchase amount, 3,000 for HEAVY BLOW products, and 10,000 for ampoules.


    For more details, please send e-mail.(sip-korea@naver.com)